General questions

Yes, we have already started the permitting process

Yes potentially, but this will be driven by funding and capacity, even if they do not start together it looks increasingly likely that the second factory will follow very closely behind the first.

We have currently shortlisted 6 sites in the UK, 2 in Scotland and 4 in England.

We are now running the two design processes in parallel and so expect the UK factory to be mid 2025 for breaking ground.

As yet we do not have a wind park operator as an investor, although there are early discussions ongoing.

Our technology

We use a series of machines and sorting processes to take the composite back to increasingly smaller individual pieces.

Yes, the process is similar to one used for wood, however with a number of changes to allows it to suit our different materials.

We have a number of quality control mechanisms built into the process however some of this is confidential infomation.

Feedstock & waste

We can take large pieces, up to 10 meters or smaller shredded material.

We have large storage areas and covered warehouse Denmark (Esbjerg and others) and in a number of areas in the UK – ready to receive the material. The gate fee is at the point of delivery.

Our factory is designed to take large pieces of End-of-Life composite and so we will be able to accept full blades or large pieces of composite up to about 10 mtrs in length.


We can only accept the composite and so all other mateirals would need to be removed

No not specifically. We have made some assumptions – and if we are looking at the years to come, we will have more productions waste from other areas of the composite industry than directly from the wind industry.

So far we have had good interest and are talking to a number of European players about how we can support their efforts.

End product & biz case

Building Façade, Concrete Formwork, Flooring, Doors, Wet room walls and panels.

Yes, there has been significant testing and we would be keen to enage further with you to talk in details around this.

The panels have a very long life, we are not yet able to accuratly state a figure but we expect 25 years plus.

The density reduces as the thickness of the manufactured panels increase, as we make panels from 6mm to 40mm we do not believe 18% to be much of a variation, at a constant size of panel the density variation is negligable.

The odour is almost imperceptable in the finished product.

Circularity & Sustainability

We recycle 100% of the blade or composite, except the metals and carbon fibre which are then 100% put back into the circular economy.

We are currently engaged in significant environmental work in preparation for our environmental permits in Denmark.

Yes, we have considered this. Since the GFR waste is placed in different locations in Europe, it has been necessary to make realistic system boundaries for the transport. Therefore, we have set the system boundary for the transport of feedstock to the factory to 700 km using emissions factors for trucks with trailer and a load of max. 28 tons (per regulations).


Circular composites for a better tomorrow.
All our panels are made from recycled composite waste via our proprietary transformation technology.​


Continuum Group (HQ)

Orientkaj 4,

2150 Nordhavn

Copenhagen, Denmark


Continuum Composite Transformation

Unit 11 Manor Farm Barns,

Framingham Pigot, Norwich, 

Norfolk, UK, NR14 7PZ


Continuum ApS

Borgergade 11, 3rd floor,

6700 Esbjerg



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